Why Local and State Governments Must Scale Broadband Infrastructure

Why Local and State Governments Must Scale Broadband Infrastructure Now

Why Local and State Governments Must Scale Broadband Infrastructure Now

Progress towards the digital transformation of government is driven by a strategy that brings governments closer to citizens and businesses. By combining modern technology and data that supports informed decision-making, governments can be more engaging and responsive.

Drive Digital Transformation: Scale Broadband Infrastructure in Your Cities, Towns, and Communities
Take the lead in scaling broadband infrastructure to meet the growing demands of your citizens. Collaborate with us to enhance connectivity and improve service delivery across your cities, towns, and communities.

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A recent survey by EY found that 72% of those surveyed agree that governments’ use of technology will make life better and be needed to help solve complex future problems.

Realizing this rapid transformation of government services requires a modern digital infrastructure, at the heart of which is broadband and 5G networks.

As more residents see broadband as an imperative, state and local governments must scale their broadband infrastructure and take a more active role in expanding reach.

Scaling broadband to meet the same level of service that citizens receive from the private sector and ensuring that no one is left behind in this transformation requires immediate action. Start by collaborating with both internal and external stakeholders, including service providers and government agencies.

People who are already comfortable with technology can benefit from digital services right now, including:

  • Unique digital IDs to gain faster and easier access.
  • Integrated platforms that responsibly share data across multiple agencies, providing a user profile.
  • Conversational platforms that leverage AI to resolve issues and complete transactions.

The Challenges of Inadequate Broadband

A slow or inadequate internet connection can greatly impact the productivity and efficiency of any government agency, leading to increased inefficiency, a reduction in essential services, and missed opportunities.

Operational Inefficiencies

Insufficient bandwidth can impact agency operations, with employees or citizens unable to complete transactions or tasks online, communicate effectively, or share important information in a timely manner. This inefficient use of time only translates to frustrated employees and citizens.

Limited Service Delivery

Today’s connected citizens and businesses expect a seamless and fast experience. With many essential services such as licensing, vital record retrieval, identification authentication, and voter registration moving online, any disruption to the delivery of these services may have a large negative impact.

Missed Opportunities

The impact of broadband, and more importantly, its speed and penetration into local communities, plays an important role in promoting innovation. In areas with faster and more reliable broadband, there are greater science and technology investments, as well as larger investments in infrastructure, offices, and businesses.

In addition, as the COVID-19 pandemic spurred a change in working practices, reliable and fast connectivity is essential to attracting people to live and work in their communities.

The Opportunities for Broadband Expansion

While deploying new broadband infrastructure or improving existing services has costs, there are ways to offset those costs in both building and managing broadband infrastructure.

Federal Funding & Initiatives

According to BroadbandUSA, a part of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, there are approximately 70 funding opportunities from various federal government agencies. BroadbandUSA offers a funding guide that provides information on each opportunity and application steps.

This guide includes the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which provides $65 billion for direct investments in broadband infrastructure development and funds to lower the cost of high-speed broadband connections.

Technological Advancements

If broadband infrastructure is to be upgraded or overhauled, opportunities to incorporate a faster and more secure connection are crucial for stability and growth.

Upgrading a broadband infrastructure to fiber is now the gold standard. With innovations pushing the speed limits of data transfer, fiber has much more room to grow. In addition to this improved capacity, fiber manufacturers are improving the durability and reliability of cables and connectors, making any investment sustainable.

Meanwhile, the rapid expansion of 5G and edge computing has necessitated the security of all entry points while leveraging AI and machine learning to identify unusual patterns and behaviors that constitute a security threat.

Public-Private Partnerships

Public-private partnerships can help local governments and businesses bring their resources together, providing the technical expertise needed to deliver a modern broadband infrastructure. BroadbandUSA highlights several examples of these partnerships, where creative thinking combined with strategic funding provided broadband to local citizens.

Drilling into Specific Challenges & Solutions

Local and state governments face several challenges when it comes to broadband infrastructure delivery and upgrades.

Challenge 1 – Aging Infrastructure

Aging infrastructure is an issue that not only governments face, but businesses as well. A common source of downtime events, older technology faces issues such as limited capacity, limited ability to upgrade, and inadequate security.

With a strategy of bringing citizens closer to government, there is a need to modernize broadband equipment to support growing needs.

As a solution, think strategically about any investments before upgrading or replacing. Consider partnering with an experienced service provider to advise on how to best use any funds to ensure long-term scalability and performance.

Challenge 2 – Digital Divide

Broadband internet is necessary for citizens to work, participate equally in school, and to stay connected with businesses, doctors, and family members. Yet, according to the US Department of Commerce, more than 30 million Americans live in areas where there is no internet access with a minimally acceptable speed.

As a solution, as you think strategically about investments, prioritize funding to expand broadband in underserved areas. Consider seeking federal funding or private partnerships to bridge this digital divide.

Challenge 3 – Cybersecurity Concerns

Cybercrime, such as identity theft and data breaches are real threats associated with digital transformation. Despite ongoing efforts to combat these threats, even major companies remain vulnerable. Any building block of infrastructure expansion must include robust security measures.

As a solution, include comprehensive cybersecurity measures in your strategy. This may include network segmentation, encryption, and continuous monitoring to protect sensitive data and critical systems.

Challenge 4 – Skilled Workforce Shortage

An insufficient depth of technology skills to manage and maintain complex broadband networks may be a reality, as it is a common challenge in many companies. Government technology leaders must find ways to bridge these gaps through training, mentorship, or hiring.

As a solution, consider partnering with experienced technology providers, such as Cox Business, to leverage their expertise and resources in network design, implementation, and management.

Challenge 5 – Budget Constraints

Many government agencies face real financial limitations, and it can be hard to convince some government leaders that modern broadband is a strategic investment toward providing services and opportunities for citizens.

As a solution, explore creative financing options, such as public-private partnerships and federal programs, to maximize your resources.


The transformation of local and state government to be more connected to business and its citizens requires a modern broadband infrastructure. Scaling digital requires strategic planning and a call to action.

First, assess your broadband needs and determine any gaps. Understand what resources are available right now and what is needed to move forward. Consider leveraging federal funding and private-public partnerships to achieve your goals.

Broadband is an investment in the future. It will enable economic growth, outside investment, improved service delivery, and a better quality of life for all citizens.

Reach out to Cox Business to explore how our expertise and solutions can help government agencies scale their broadband infrastructure effectively.

Drive Digital Transformation: Scale Broadband Infrastructure in Your Cities, Towns, and Communities
Take the lead in scaling broadband infrastructure to meet the growing demands of your citizens. Collaborate with us to enhance connectivity and improve service delivery across your cities, towns, and communities.

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