Top 5 Reasons To Review Your Business ISP [Infographic]

One of the most important components of a strong business, technologically speaking, is a reliable internet service provider. Unfortunately, many companies get so caught up in the day-to-day shuffle of their jobs that they fail to adequately take stock of their ISPs and assess whether they help businesses achieve their goals. Cox Blue recently spoke to over 200 IT professionals and found that now might be the time for companies to take a look at their ISPs, assessing their strengths and weaknesses.

Many companies aren’t getting the features that they want, including monitoring and support. Some – approximately 20 percent, according to Cox’s research – believe they’re paying too much for their service. An even larger proportion, 41 percent say they aren’t completely satisfied. And yet despite these deficiencies, not enough companies are taking action. Of those IT professionals polled, 82 percent said they fail to review their ISPs annually. If these companies want to accomplish more on the Web day in and day out, they had best review the capabilities of their ISPs.

Cox High Speed Internet Infographic



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