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Incorporate technology into your small business

One of the keys to being a successful entrepreneur is constantly finding ways to upgrade your technology. If you can devise strategies to get your work done faster, more efficiently and more cost-effectively, you’ll be able to get a leg up on the competition. By saving manpower and money, you can free up resources and reallocate them toward growth, with a focus on adding more employees and attracting more customers.

Being tech-savvy is an essential element of managing and marketing your business. Even if you’re not naturally a “computer person,” it’s worth investing time and effort to discover new high-tech solutions that can help you grow as an entrepreneur. Here’s a look at a few tools that will improve your small business overnight.

Cloud data management
If you run the kind of business that requires constant involvement from outside your traditional workspace – either working from home, or checking in from the road while on business trips, or a mix of the two – then cloud computing might be a viable option to meet your needs. By saving your files online rather than locally on your computer, you can make them accessible from anywhere, whether you’re logging on with a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Moving to the cloud can also help you cut costs and simplify the way you organize your business. Look into affordable cloud providers to find one that can fit your company’s needs.

Web development
Creating a website might seem like an enormous undertaking, but there are apps and free online tutorials out there that can make the process far easier. It’s worth investing a little extra time to make a website that really stands out. Your site is the first thing people see when they begin to research your company, and if you want it to help attract new customers and business-to-business clients, you’d best devote the effort needed to make your web presence shine. You don’t need to get overly flashy with fancy colors and graphics, but a site that looks clean and professional will take you a long way.

Mobile app development
If you want to make your business more accessible to consumers who are on the go and always engaged with their smartphones, a mobile app might be the way to go. The exact function depends on your business. If you run a store, you could create an app that boasts your inventory of products and alerts customers about potential deals and discounts. If you offer a specialty service, you might opt for an app that provides more general information to educate people about your field. Specific apps may vary, but in general, app development is easier than ever. There are tools out there to help you write programs yourself, and independent contractors are affordable nowadays as well.

Social media dashboards
If you’re a small business owner looking to grow your enterprise, chances are you’re using lots of social media tools for promotion purposes. Twitter is good for sending out quick blasts of information, Facebook helps you communicate directly with people in a more personal manner and LinkedIn enables connections between like-minded professionals. If you’re having trouble juggling all these disparate networking sites, you can try using dashboard programs that compress everything in one place. This way, everything is easy to find, and you can control your message simply.

If you’re not technologically inclined, all these tools can seem like a little much. It’s overwhelming to tackle everything at once. It’s good, though, to delve into technology bit by bit, discovering new ways it can help to improve your business practices.

What tech resources have worked best for you?

Incorporate technology into your small business

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